Monday, November 30, 2009

How do I get old dried mascara off of a bathroom mirror?

It's kind of a long story.... but does anyone have any ideas how I can get lots of old dried mascara off of a bathroom mirror? I haven't had any luck thus far. The cheaper the solution the better. Thank you soooo much!How do I get old dried mascara off of a bathroom mirror?
alcoholHow do I get old dried mascara off of a bathroom mirror?
rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover
Try scraping it off with a razor blade. If that doesn't work, just spray on lots of windex...saturate it. Then start wiping.
Rubbing alcohol
uummm yesa the razor will scratch the mirror try windex also try nail polish remover
baby oil will remove the mascara. Since it is dried on, let the baby oil , or mineral oil soak on the mascara for a few mintues. Wipe it off with a paper towel. A few drops of dish detergent in a quart of water will remove the baby oil.
putty knife - scrape scrape scrape
use a little warm water and vinegar and a flat razor like u would scrap with it should come off easily
A razor scraper will do the job very quickly.
razor blade

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